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Instruction manuals
Enhance the value of your products with our instruction manuals. We have various options available: choose the solution best suited to explaining how to operate your products, and ensure all your customers are well informed.

Print your user and maintenance manuals online
Are you a company that produces products that need to be assembled, toys or other large-scale items? Then you will need to print user and maintenance manuals. Instruction booklets are essential to give your customers all the information they need about the product and to comply with European health and safety directives. Pixartprinting is here to help you print bespoke user manuals at excellent value for money. You can print instruction booklets in large quantities without sacrificing professionalism and quality!
Once you have chosen the model that is right for you, you can configure the product on the product page and download the file with instructions from our graphic designers to help you set up your print file easily. Then, submit your order and upload your file! Your custom user manual will be sent directly to your office with punctual shipping.
Binding types for your user manuals
Pixartprinting, a leader in online printing, is the ideal partner to entrust your user and maintenance manual printing and binding to. With so many customisation options, we can meet all our customers' needs and find the best solution for them. An important part of making your user manual resistant and easy to use is choosing an effective binding type. Here is what we have to offer:
- Staple bound manuals: this is the ideal solution for cheap but captivating printing. Two staples are applied to the spine of the document, making it not only easy to leaf through but also resistant.
- Perfect bound manuals: this type of binding is best for products with a lot of pages. They are joined to the cover using a special glue that makes the product durable. Plus, to make it even more resistant, you can choose to have a hardback cover rather than a paperback.
- Wire-o bound manuals: this is one of the fastest and most practical binding types as it involves the use of a cylindrical spiral into which the pages and cover are inserted after holes have been punched in them. The spiral allows you to leaf through the manual without worrying about damaging the pages as they open up to 360 degrees.
- Unbound manuals: individual multi-page files that are not sewn or bound together. This type of binding is versatile and ideal for communicating freely. The sheets are not bound so they are perfect for creating instruction sheets for machines or other products that are easy to view.
Choose your preferred instruction manual model and create your ideal product!
User manuals and other ideas for your communications
At Pixartprinting, you will find everything you need to promote your projects. Not only can you print user manuals, books and catalogues but also small-format products, like business cards, leaflets and flyers, and large-format products, like rigid media, advertising banners and adhesive PVC. Don't limit your freedom of expression! Discover all our discounted, customisable products.