brings together our numerous long-standing sustainability projects and drives them forward with a genuine desire for responsible growth and development.

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wecare is our corporate social responsibility programme. We are committed to a vision for the coming years rooted in the three key areas of sustainability:
environmental, social and economic.

We're doing our bit...

... by making choices that reduce the environmental impact of our production. 

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il nostro impegno a tutela dell’ambiente

Our commitment to protecting the environment

People: our most important asset

We're doing our bit...

... by investing in the wellbeing and quality of life of our colleagues and their families.

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We're doing our bit...

... by generating profit responsibly and transparently, based on a long-term vision that creates value for all stakeholders.

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Creating long-term value

Our commitment to protecting the environment

We've set ourselves the goal of gradually reducing our carbon footprint and achieving net zero by 2040. We've created tools to measure the emissions our production generates throughout the value chain and have set ourselves intermediate targets that we keep a close eye on.

A product catalogue with a lower environmental impact


100% renewable energy


FSC 100% paper


Appreciating the value of waste




A shared commitment to change


People: our most important asset

We foster Pixartprinting's employees' development and growth, both professionally – through financial incentives and career development opportunities – and personally, through projects and solutions that provide tangible and effective support. We have also built and implemented rigorous processes to ensure the safety of everyone working in our manufacturing facilities.

Welfare provision


Nurturing talent


A culture of safety


Creating long-term value

For us, sustainability means creating long-term value not only for the business, but for the environment and society as a whole.

Our code of ethics


Our code of conduct


Certified quality


We are constantly investing in all the approaches, processes and tools we use. Our customers deserve the best: our innovative technology is always being honed to ensure we offer a competitive and high-quality service.

Innovation for us means not only introducing new elements to existing processes, but also trying to imagine new scenarios and coming up with new inventions.


We are committed to helping achieve four specific goals set as part of Agenda 2030, the plan of action for people, planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member states.


We're doing our bit…

... by generating profit responsibly and transparently, based on a long-term vision that creates value for all stakeholders.

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Creating long-term value

We're doing our bit...

... by making choices that reduce the environmental impact of our production.

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Our commitment to protecting the environment

We're doing our bit...

... by investing in the wellbeing and quality of life of our colleagues and their families.

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People: our most important asset